Hi again guys. April has come and gone and once again, nothing major to report. Development has been humming along slowly, but smoothly. It's like being a road trip and you're just on the open road with nothing going on, but you know you'll get to your destination eventually. That's how it feels like for me.
A big issue we discovered in our alpha tests is that we lacked proper tutorials. So Jayden worked really hard and we have proper tutorials and quests for a number of things. We also have been setting up and making preparations for multiplayer. We have local to local working with Steam so far. Yes I know that's not the ideal, but we will get to working on dedicated servers later. Local to local was slightly less complicated to set up so we can move on to test multiplayer specific bugs and start planning for multiplayer specific systems. Also, as per usual there were bug fixes here and there.
Assets and Environment
I was mostly working on building some of the NPCs and getting them properly textured and finishing up their models. Boy do we have a lot of NPCs, but we'll get there. I also added some new models to character customization. A few more hairstyles and I finally added different kinds of beards. So now finally every category of character customization has been worked on and it's almost done.
Kickstarter Rewards
I also spent quite a bit of my time ordering postcards, stickers and sending out the rest of the physical Kickstarter rewards (minus the artbooks) My goal is to be mostly done with it by May except for a few people who may not have gotten theres due to a change of address or something else. I'm pretty sure I sent out over 500 letters (expecting quite a few back, since it's been almost 4 years) When I went to the post office they miscalculated and accidentally sold me $350 worth of stamps when I only needed $250 and it was a complex process to get a refund so I just took the extra stamps (The employee was about to go home for the day and I couldn't do that to them).
Goals for May
- Work on Assembling More NPCs
- Add a few more mini systems like, lights item spawning, ability to break rocks and trees (We have to redo those systems) - Finish mailing out international Kickstarter rewards - Have most of the NPC dialogue finished for Pumpkinvale - Model models and assets for flowers and food
- Start working on prices for items
- Adding caves
- More environment work and polish
So yeah we've got a lot to work on in May. Here's hoping everything goes smoothly. Thanks so much for your support. If you have any questions or want to follow us more closely, follow us on Discord to access the developer blog.
Thanks again for your support guys