Alright so we actually have quite a bit to report on this month.Last month I had literally nothing to report on since we were swamped with bugs New Name, New Website!

So we decided to change our name from Pumpkin Online to Pumpkin Days! The reason for this is because:
1. We want to drop the 'Online' part of the game because that's a hold-over from when we wanted to be a traditional mmorpg, back during the Hero Engine days in 2014. However now we are more of a single player game, with multiplayer capabilities for a few friends instead of for hundreds or thousands of people. So the 'online' part does not make sense(edited)
2. Including Online in the game title feels a bit archaic, as back in the day having a multiplayer game was a big deal and so games would add 'online' to their titles to advertise that part of that game for extra hype. However, these days multiplayer and being online is no big deal. It would be as if we had called our game "Pumpkin 3D" kinda lame. So we're dropping the online part and making it a more neutral game title. We went through a couple of options, but settled on days because, the other words would be poor for finding us in search engines, or they sounded too close to other farming games. Game Development! We had a bunch of nasty bugs last month that kept us back from progressing in development, which was a bit of a bummer. However, thankfully we think we have them all under control and we are continuing to implement and polish up some new things. Another big setback is we need to possibly scrap and redo how fishing works in the game because it's been crazy buggy. So we had a bit of setbacks, but everything is on track. Things that were worked on were: - Fruit Tree Models and textures - Wahoo Beach Character models (textures will be worked on later) - Jewelry store set up so you can buy earrings and glasses. - Spoonie Island was worked on, buildings, furnishings, new models - Wahoo Beach Town was worked on - Set up new furnishings instead the different shops at Wahoo Beach - Implemented Spoonie Island Dialogue - Went through and made sure all the character customization options had icons - Worked on the AI pathfinding (Clearing obstacles in the map for the npcs to walk) - Set variables for what tool tier is needed to break different objects - The game can now be played in fullscreen So quite a bit of work was done and I'm taking some time off to devote even more time to working on Pumpkin Online. When are releasing? That's the big question huh? I apologize the dates keep getting pushed back all the time, but I severely underestimate how long it takes things to be developed until they are flawless. Also how closed group of Alpha testers need rank the game a 7/10 average before we feel we are confident enough to release. Our main goals for Nov are: - Bug-free tutorials - Bug-free farming - New fishing system - More character dialogue writing - Set up more personal character quests - Textures for all the Wahoo Beach characters finished - More furniture in the furniture store. - Work on Environment. Thank you guys for your support I hope you like the new website. Remember if you want to keep up with updates. Try joining our Discord server for exclusive developer screenshots and updates. Thank you so much for your support!