Spoonie Island Characters

Spoonie Island Mayor
Jen is the kind and quirky mayor of Spoonie Island. Despite getting tired easily herself, she does her best to check up on all the residents when she can.
Spoonie Island Characters

Spoonie Resident
Alexis is really introverted and rather spends her time in her home reading bad vampire romance novels. She's a bit of a snob and tends to talk to down to people.
Spoonie Island Characters

Spoonie Resident
Elo is very peppy and cherry, despite not being able to move around too much during the day.
Spoonie Island Characters

Local Baker
Forrest runs the bakery on Spoonie Island. He specializes in gluten free pastries and creating pastries to cater to anyone with any kind of allergies. You'll get sick of his 'hot buns' pun jokes pretty fast though,
Spoonie Island Characters

Spoonie Island Gift Shop Shopkeeper
Frogman is a chill guy who loves to tell jokes and fun stories. He runs the Spoonie Island gift shop.
Spoonie Island Characters

Korin is a man of a few words who loves to invent things out of junk parts. Most of his inventions are things to make every day tasks for the residents of Spoonie Island easier.
Spoonie Island Characters

Spoonie Resident
Lucas is Mickie's son. He's a chatterbox who loves to talk about Pumpkin Jack.
Spoonie Island Characters

Spoonie Resident
Meredith can be hard to get to know as she hates when people get too close to her and she tends to hit strangers with her purse. She's a nice person once you make friends with her.
Spoonie Island Characters

Spoonie Resident
Mickie is Luca's mom. She's good friends with Mayor Fern and is just an overall chill person.
Spoonie Island Characters

Spoonie Resident
Olive is Forrest's younger sister. She helps him out at the bakery and gives him ideas for gluten-free baked goods. She loves anything related to dinosaurs and reptiles.
Spoonie Island Characters

Spoonie Resident
Poppy is a pleasant girl who loves taking photos of the wildlife around the island, especially the snakes and reptiles.
Spoonie Island Characters

Spoonie Resident
Toni is a chill person who likes to hang out at the island. They absolutely love anything to do with ducks.
Spoonie Island Characters

Spoonie Island Doctor.
Lan is Spoonie Island's doctor. They are very knowledgeable in medicine but have a hard time understanding social cues and reading people's mood.