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March Dev Report 2015

Writer: Pumpkin DaysPumpkin Days

Time for another month of what we've been up to.  After much debugging and screwing up we finally, FINALLY got our character model, animations and dynamic body parts down. 

Game Design

Much of our game design has been thought out, the key thing we need to do to start working on the systems is make sure our character is solid so we can test with it. Much of the game design discussion this month was about how to handle NPCs and unlike a single player game how we can spread everyone out in a multiplayer world so we don't have 900 players in town at one time. So still more work but we're pretty close.

Asset creation

Still working on some more furniture sets, but now that our world is nearly set up we can possibly start working on assets to start building our towns, so plans would be underway for that in April and hopefully we can finally! finally see the world start coming together. 

Map creation

All the parts for the world have been set up, we just have to go through a tedious process of stitching them together for seamless linking. Seamless linking is this neat feature HeroEngine has that pretty much removes load screens beteeeen maps. Special thanks to Sarrene from Triad games for helping us set that up. 



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