Happy New Year everyone! So even though it was the holidays I was still working on things where I could. Things are really coming together nicely. Here is a list of things that were worked on. - New fish models - New food models - New journal UI - Calendar added to the journal and it marks the NPC's birthdays - Set up a weekly marketplace in the town square - Worked on the world map, sculpting out mountains and sorting out the forests - Almost finished setting up the Steam page - Added patch notes to the game. So quite a bit of new things were added. Progress is still going well I am 100% confident we will be able to release this year. Yes I know it's been really long, but 2019 is the year guys I promise. With every month more and more of the game is being completed. We're not announcing a exact release date because it's dependent on making sure the game is not very buggy and I can't set a timeline on that because bugs happen out of nowhere with an unknown amount of time to fix. Goals for January - Finish Steam Page - Send game to testers via Steam - More bug fixes - Players can also start in Wahoo Beach. Thanks so much for your support guys. We hope we don't disappoint you.
I can’t believe this game is still in development. That gives me such high hopes for the final product!